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Please feel free to reach out to us with any inquiries at 9747829970.
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Gardening Services

Garden Maintenance

1. Single Day Maintenance Services

2. Potted Garden

3.Annual Maintenance Packages - Corporate/Residential

4.Maintenance Subscription Plans

5.Herb Garden Setup

Vertical Garden

1. New Installation in Bio-Wall System / Felt Wall System

2. Maintenance / Existing as well as New

3. Movable Green Walls

4. Living Wall

Corporate Renting

1. Customised Green Wall Renting

2. Vertical Movable Wall

3. Living Wall

4. Pots & Planter

How it works

owngrown USP

Pick the garden package you need

owngrown USP

Our team will contact you

owngrown USP

Schedule first visit

owngrown USP

Our garden expert will execute desired service